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Getting to know other countries’ eating habits is key to understand their culture. If you want to know better Mexican gastronomy, you cannot miss this post.

To put the most traditional Mexican drinks on the map, between the 16th of May and the 20th of August, the exhibition ¿Qué te tomas? Las bebidas mexicanas will be held at Museo del Objeto: a compilation of more than two thousand items related to the production, distribution and consume of the most typical drinks of the country.

Probably, when you read the title of this post, you thought about tequila, one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. But other drinks, maybe not as famous as this one such as mezcal or pulque, have been associated with religious and ritualistic behaviours.

Apart from liqueurs, non-alcoholic drinks are also popular in Mexico, for example aguas frescas, a beverage made of a mix of water, fruit, leaves, seeds and sugar. But if you prefer more intense flavours, you should know that Mexico has tasty coffees and chocolates.

We advise you to visit the exhibition in order to know more details about Mexican drinks. To get to Museo del Objeto, get on México City Tour official tourist bus and get off at stop 5 of the route Historic City Centre (Casa Lamm).

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